Dear family and freinds,
Everyone in the George district is staying the same this transfer! This is Elder Larrabee's last transfer on mission as well. He is from Utah. In fact, everyone in this district, including the senior couple the Smiths, is from Utah. Imagine that.
Unfortunately this was another slow week. Or maybe I just don't have enough time to commit the week to memory. Anyway, nothing much to say.
I'm thrilled to hear about John's baptism. It seems like there are many many people who really care about him. It seems like he is excited to start his new life.
It's just missionary work all day here in George. Mostly we work in the township Thembalethu. When it's not there it's in the areas near Thembalethu such as Rosemore or Lawaaikamp. We have set goals that will bring us closer to real growth in the George Branch and are already starting to achieve them. This Saturday there will be another baptism, and we're otherwise doing very well.
I love hearing from each and every one of you, so if you're considering sending me an e-mail, don't wait!
Talk to you soon,
-Elder Tekulve
Everyone in the George district is staying the same this transfer! This is Elder Larrabee's last transfer on mission as well. He is from Utah. In fact, everyone in this district, including the senior couple the Smiths, is from Utah. Imagine that.
Unfortunately this was another slow week. Or maybe I just don't have enough time to commit the week to memory. Anyway, nothing much to say.
I'm thrilled to hear about John's baptism. It seems like there are many many people who really care about him. It seems like he is excited to start his new life.

I love hearing from each and every one of you, so if you're considering sending me an e-mail, don't wait!
Talk to you soon,
-Elder Tekulve
3 Nephi 5:13
13) Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.