05 November 2012

05 November 2012 - Loving every minute..., Noah's Birthday

Brennan's brother, Noah,
celebrates his 16th Birthday

Today is Noah's birthday! Happy birthday, Noah! Sorry I don't have a hat for you this year. Right now it's only been his birthday for 3 hours. Oh, and happy Halloween too. They don't really celebrate Halloween here.

As I said last week, our area is now split and Elder Krieger and I are working in Fish Hoek, Simon's Town, Oceanview, Kommetjie, etc. Most of our investigators were in Masiphumelele which is now the other Elders' area. So the tone of our missionary work has changed.We are doing a lot of working with and visiting members, some who we have never visited before. We will have to rely a lot more on the Spirit to guide us to those who are being prepared.

We haven't found any new investigators, but Ronald who I think I told you about earlier, is doing well. We taught the Word of Wisdom and found that he was taught by his mother that alcohol was bad, that there are really no drug problems in Zimbabwe where he's from, and that he doesn't like tea and coffee and hates cigarettes. He's definitely prepared, now he just needs to sort out work so he can come to church.
Elders Nkosi and Ramosoeu,
both from South Africa
I'm loving every minute of mission and it has brought me so many blessings. Not the least of which is the opportunity to bring blessings into the lives of others.

-Elder Tekulve

Elder Dladla from South Africa and
Elder Ricketts (the Greenie) from Nevada
Simon's Town is a Naval town. This is part of the harbor.



1 comment:

  1. hi Brennan it's Sabian i just wanted to say hi and i see you are doing great in South Africa


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